
Email Support

We do not offer technical support for third party email software or devices and recommend finding the vendors documentation to add and manage accounts. Any information regarding third party email software is provided for information purposes only.

If you are having any problems with your webmail or with managing your email accounts in your cPanel, please contact us directly or check official cPanel documentation here.

Setting up IMAP Account in Outlook App (Android)

You will need your password to complete this process. You can test your login using the Webmail first if you are unsure:

Adding your Premium email IMAP account to the Outlook App

  1. Make sure you have the Microsoft Outlook app installed.
  2. Open the app and click on Add Account button.
  3. Enter your email address where it says Enter your email. (Ignore the add Google account button.)
  4. Click the blue Continue button at the bottom.
  5. Click on IMAP at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Type in your Password.
  7. Fill in your Name on the Display Name and a description if you like.
  8. Click the Checkmark on the top right corner of the app to save.
  9. It will ask if you want to add another account click Maybe Later.
  10. You are done!

It's possible not all emails will display immediately in your Inbox. During testing we had to wait for a new email to come in before it loaded any messages into the Inbox. Your experience here may vary and it will depend on when the Outlook app decides to sync with your account.