SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials
Please use the topic links below to see a list of tutorials for that particular topic or module. Or you can use the search button to search for help on a specific topic.
Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.
- Getting Started
- Page Editing
- Ad Manager
- Blog Module
- Bulletin Board (BBS)
- Calendar Manager
- File Manager
- Form Builder
- League Module
- Media & Resource Library
- News Letters
- News Manager
- Photo Album
- Staff List
- Shopping Cart
- Directories Module
- Indexed Articles
- Questionnaires
- Job Posting
- Mobile Devices
- Control Panel
- SMTP - Outgoing Mail
- Security & User Groups
- Templates
- Plugins
- WCAG / Website Accessibility
Sending Newsletter Emails
To send a newsletter, click on "List" in the top right corner and then click on "Send" beside the newsletter you want to send out. This will take you through a number of steps.
1. Choose who to send the newsletter to
The first screen will give you a list of all your user groups and form responses to choose from. To select multiple groups, hold down the ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking. If the same email address appears in multiple groups, the system will only send the newsletter to them once. Press [next] to continue.
2. Filter Addresses
The second screen gives you a chance to remove specific emails from the send list, or to select only a few emails from the group to send to. This feature is handy for sending proof newsletters out. You can also choose whether or not to add the unsubscribe link to the bottom.
Unsubscribe Links
Another feature is the ability to send unsubscribe links to the recipient. If enabled in the sending process, the recipient of the news letter will receive a unsubscribe link for each association they have to receiving the news letter. In the image above you saw the email address received the news letter because they are a user in a group as well as responded to a form. Below is what that recipient will see at the bottom of their news letter. As you can see, we give them the option to unsubscribe from receiving news letters on behalf the administrators group as well as their submission to the form ‘UserName Field Testing’. When they unsubscribe we put a record in our news letter exceptions table and from that point on, the person will not receive any more news letters on behalf of the group, form, or directory. This option does not remove any data associated.
3. Proof the Newsletter
This step gives you one final look at the newsletter you are about to send and lists the email it is sending to. Check everything over. If you need to edit something, click on "List" in the top right and then edit the newsletter or start the send process again. If the newsletter is ready to go, press [send] at the bottom.