
I Have Run out of Hosting Storage Space

We have warning notifications sent out when your hosting account is 80%, 90% and 98% full. This is most often caused by an accumulation of undeleted email. Sometimes it can be caused by a heavy use of images and files on your website.

To remedy this issue, you can either upgrade to a plan with more disk space or you can clear out some space on your account.

Managing Email Disk Usage

Option 1:

Please ask all email account holders on your domain to log in to their email accounts at http://{yourdomain}/webmail

Once logged in, ask them to delete any unneeded emails or attachments and possibly Sent emails. Empty the trash folder upon completion. Please note it is a permanent delete from the server and if you wish to keep emails they must be downloaded to your own devices. Click Here for Connection Help.

Option 2:

If you are a full administrator of the website and have access to cPanel there are ways to self manage the disk quota on all email accounts. Specifically you can use a tool called the "Email Disk Usage" that helps you remove older emails without having to go into each mailbox.

1. Log into cPanel at http://{yourdomain}/cpanel

2. On the main home page under the Category "Email" click on Email Disk Usage.

3. Click on the Account drop down to switch to different email addresses.

4. Once you have chosen an email mailbox. Beside each folder for it there is a "Manage" button. This option allows you to remove older emails and clear out space quickly various ways.

Again, please use caution and ensure that these people have downloaded these messages already (maybe in Outlook using POP) or possibly check if they have been forwarding them to another address.

Account Disk Usage Tool

To get a larger picture of your disk space usage on the hosting follow these instructions. We suggest only using this tool to understand where space is being used. Please contact your support reps if you have any questions.

1. Log into cPanel at http://{yourdomain}/cpanel

2. On the main home page under the Category "Files" click on Disk Usage. This gives you a breakdown of where the space is being used. If you scroll down there is a handy tool called a "navigation tree" that allows you to expand folders and follow the trail to which are using disk space.

WARNING If you click on a link to any of the folder this will open up the folder with the raw site files or email. Only delete from here if you are sure these files are you want them removed. Files deleted that are linked on your websites will stop working and email files will be removed from their Webmail.

If you are looking to what folders EMail is using up. EMail is found by clicking > Mail > > look to the right on each account to see which ones are using the most mail. You can then click > to expand the mailbox's folder and see where specifically the email is.
Folder Explanation:
new - unread emails in Inbox (or in a folder they were moved to)
cur - read emails in Inbox (or in a folder they were moved to)