
SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials

Please use the topic links below to see a list of tutorials for that particular topic or module. Or you can use the search button to search for help on a specific topic. 

Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.


Changing the display order of your Ads

When you have set your ads campaign to display ads in a sequentially order you can change the order the ads will appear. To learn more about your campaign settings click here.

  1. Head to your admin and go to Modules and Ads.
  2. Click on Organize.
  3. You can then "drag and drop" the thumbnail to manually change the display order of your ads. Click and hold on the ad you want to select. Then move your mouse cursor in front or behind another thumbnail to place it in a new position in the list.
  4. Click "Save Ordering" to set the new order. This takes effect immediately. If you have your web page open already you will need to refresh to see the update.