
SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials

Please use the topic links below to see a list of tutorials for that particular topic or module. Or you can use the search button to search for help on a specific topic. 

Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.


Site Settings

Google reCAPTCHA - You can connect the "I'm Not a Robot" Google reCaptcha to your sites forms. You must have a Google account to complete this. More instructions here.

Google Tag Manager - Enhance your tracking use Google's Tag Manager. You must have a Google account to create the Tags. Enter them here and complete a full site Publish to launch the tags on the website's pages.


Favicon - upload a favicon file here to add the icon to your websites title bar. Recommended to be in square dimensions.

Search Engine Optimization

Site Name - Enter you company or organization name here. This adds it to the end of the Title tag on each page on the website. Ensure you have it spelled correctly as this publish on every page in the Title position at the top of the web browser tab.

Title Separator - Customize the text character that divides the pages title and the Site Name text.

Google Analytics Embed Code - paste your full Google Analytics code here to add it to all pages on your website. A Google Analytics account is required for this feature. We recommend using Google Tag manager to add your Google Analytics tags.

Home Page Meta Description - Sets the meta description on your home page (index page) of your website. If you have entered this on that pages advanced area this description will override it.

Site Navigation

Mobile Open Nav Label - customize the text link on the responsive menu view that opens the menu.

Mobile Close Nav Label - customize the text link on the responsive menu view that closes the menu.

Site Search

If your website includes the Site Search plugin you can make tweaks to your search results behavior. Read the options carefully to determine what would be best for your site visitors.

You can view the data of each search performed on your site under: Control Panel > Site Search Results

Publishing Changes

To enable most of these features the website will need to be publish. In order to force a site publish:

  1. Click on Site Map.
  2. Publish Site > Full Publish.