
SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials

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Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.


Adding Form Rules

There are 2 rule types you can apply to your forms to handle specific scenarios. You can force a quantity on product fields and you can customize how many options a user needs to select on your multiple choice questions.

Force a Product Quantity

You may be using your Form to collect payments from multiple products. Technically you cannot make each of the product fields required if you only want them to choose one of your payment options. To get around this you can use Formbulder Rules.

  1. Begin with turning off the required option on any product fields. This will be handled by the rule.
  2. Save your Form and head to Manage Rules.
    Formbuilder Manage Rules
  3. Select the form you want to add your rule to and click Go.
  4. You can customize how many products need to be ordered to complete your form. You can set an "exact amount", an "at least amount", or "No More then" amount.
  5. Choose which product fields this applies too.
  6. Click Submit to save the rule.

With a rule setup this forces the site visitor to enter your required quantity on the product fields to complete the form.

Force a selection on Multiple Choice fields

You can use the Formbuilder rules if you need to force a user to select a specific amount of options on a multiple choice field. The general required option on the Form only checks if they have selected something. Use a rule if you need them to only pick a specific amount.

  1. Save your Form and head to Manage Rules.
    Formbuilder Manage Rules
  2. Select the form you want to add your rule to and click Go.
  3. You can customize how many choices are required to complete the multiple choice field. You can set an exactly amount, an at least amount, or No More then amount. 
  4. Choose which multiple choice field this applies too.
  5. Click Submit to save the rule.

With a multiple choice rule setup this forces the site visitor to select your specific amount of choices from that field.