
SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials

Please use the topic links below to see a list of tutorials for that particular topic or module. Or you can use the search button to search for help on a specific topic. 

Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.


Personalize the Form Response Subject Lines and Emails

You can personalize your email subjects and contents by putting in placeholders. These placeholders will pull your visitor's response information to give the emails a personal touch. Such as including their name in the Subject or greeting. This occurs at the time of sending your email.

Examples of a custom subject

"New Form response from John Smith" - include first and last name to the subject
"You received a donation of $20.00" - include the totals field if you are using the product e-commerce field or a donation payment setup.

How to customize the subject line

  1. Log into your admin and head to Modules and Formbuilder.
  2. Edit the form you wish to customize your subject line.
  3. Clicking on the blue "i" icon you can view the entire list of placeholders that can be used in the subject. You can then build your subject in the "Email Subject:" edit line.
    Custom Email Subject
  4. Save the form. Future email notifications will contain the new subject line.

Supported placeholders:

{{ID}} - Response ID
{{FormID}} - ID of the Form
{{Status}} - The text label of the status
{{StatusID}} - ID of the status

When submitting a registration event:

When responding to a project/team in the Projects Module:

In order to use additional fields, replace the "###" with the field ID found in the form field name.

How to find Form Field IDs
To achieve this view your form on a published SiteApex page. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to enable the "Inspector tool" and hover on an additional input field you would like to use in your content. Take note of the name which will look something like "fbField1234" where you would use "1234" in the placeholder {{AF:1234}}