SiteApex Administration Help & Tutorials
Please use the topic links below to see a list of tutorials for that particular topic or module. Or you can use the search button to search for help on a specific topic.
Note: there are a few non-default modules listed here. Please contact sales if you are interested in any of these modules.
- Getting Started
- Page Editing
- Ad Manager
- Blog Module
- Bulletin Board (BBS)
- Calendar Manager
- File Manager
- Form Builder
- League Module
- Media & Resource Library
- News Letters
- News Manager
- Photo Album
- Staff List
- Shopping Cart
- Directories Module
- Indexed Articles
- Questionnaires
- Job Posting
- Mobile Devices
- Control Panel
- SMTP - Outgoing Mail
- Security & User Groups
- Templates
- Plugins
- WCAG / Website Accessibility
Creating A Blog
Blogs are a popular format for presenting current how-to's, news, general information about your industry or organization or even run along side a marketing campaign.
Blog - a collection of Posts displayed on a single page. Our Blog display has an automatic Monthly Filter created in the blogs right column.
Posts - the content about a topic, news or article piece related to your business or marketing campaign. Recommended to be roughly 500-750 words long and should contain imagery if possible and links to resources on your website if applicable.
Setting Up a Blog in SiteApex
Before you can start writing on a Blog you must first create a Blog and place it on a page. Once setup, you can makes posts from the Blog module in the admin area or you can manage and add posts from the page view.
- In your Site Apex admin head to Modules (menu icon:
) and click on Blog in the menu.
- If no Blog exists, create a new Blog using the +Add Blog button.
- Fill in the following details:
Blog Name - Provide a name to identify your blog in the Admin.
Blog Owner - Choose the Blog Admin user that will own this blog. You can only security users who are a part of the Blog Admin security group. This user has full blog privilege's.
Group Security (optional) - You can allow other Groups of users to manage the blog. This is ideal if you want to provide a way for a staff member or volunteer to make posts to the Blog but restrict access to the full website Admin area. - Click 'Submit' to save.
Read here how to place your blog on your website.
Option Blog Settings
Blog User Signup Link Label Override - this allows you to set unique link text for the below link for users to sign up to your blog (see next setting)
Blog User Sign Up Link - here you can link to a form on your site that allows people to sign up to the blog. Users who sign up will be allowed to post comments on your blog. This link will appear on your blog once it's live on your website. You will need to create the form first.
Allow Anonymous Comments - Allows anybody that visits the blog to make a comment.
Default 'Active' Status For Adding Postings - Forces all new posts to be immediately be live on the blog. Choosing 'No' will place any new posts as drafts first and require making it active later.
Enable RSS - Choose Yes if you wish your blog to have an RSS feed the people can subscribe to
RSS URL - This is your direct XML link to your blog posts. Use this in 3rd party RSS Readers to pull your posts from your blog to their feeds.
RSS Description - This is the description for your RSS feed
RSS Feed Title - This will be the title of your blog's RSS feed
RSS Time Zone - This is the time zone your RSS feed will be set to